Tuesday, August 30, 2016

BoJack Horseman Season Three, Episode Ten: "It's You"

While watching this season of BoJack Horseman, I never once felt it was a possibility that BoJack wouldn't at least be nominated for the Oscar he and Ana have been chasing since the opening bell. I sorta thought it was a given -- hell, the opening credits even show a red-carpet-ish scene. But this episode flipped the script on that plot line as everything in BoJack's life takes a deep turn south. When he spurned Princess Carolyn in the previous episode, it felt like a decision that might haunt him, but severing ties with his former lover-agent turned out to just be the tip of the iceberg.

Mr. Peanutbutter hosted the nominations show (which: is that really a thing? It's not, right?) and announced BoJack as one of the nominees for best actor. BoJack feels basically nothing upon receiving the nomination and panics, but after a pep talk from Ana, he throws a gigantic party mostly filled with strangers. Of his actual friends, only Diane shows up and it isn't long before BoJack starts to dig at the recent emptiness of her life. He's right, after all. Diane used to take up causes and try to make a difference in the world and her job running Vim's social media is completely not her. She's tired of all the backlash and sadness her past crusades brought her. But still, it's a sensitive note, and she walks out on BoJack, getting extremely dark in the process:

You know what's gonna happen? You're gonna win that Oscar, and you're gonna go up on that stage and give your little speech, and then you're gonna go home. And you're gonna be so miserable, you'll want to kill yourself. And you're gonna have nobody left to stop you.

Depressed and drugged, BoJack shortly drives his car into his pool and Mr. Peanutbutter (who was around, I guess?) has to save his life.

It's then revealed through a fairly hilarious flashback that Mr. Peanutbutter lost the envelope with the real nominees and just made everything up with Todd before the show. They tried to come up with a last person to nominate for Best Supporting Actor and Mr. Peanutbutter suggested BoJack, because he's their friend, to which Todd replied, "Is he?" This is the third time and as many seasons Todd's been pissed with BoJack (sabotage of his rock opera, missing his improv recital, ruining things with Emily), and he's rightfully fed up that BoJack just does whatever he wants and gets whatever he wants, regardless of who he tramples on en route.

Everyone at BoJack's party overhears the revelation and leaves immediately. BoJack's left alone in his wrecked house and tries to reach Ana, who's no longer answering his calls -- not all that surprising. Then, Todd comes home and after an argument, BoJack lets slip that he slept with Emily. I was a bit shocked that Todd hadn't already deduced this even though Emily didn't explicitly say it. It seemed like she didn't have to. Obviously, Todd flips out.
Todd: "You can't keep doing this! You can't keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better!" 
BoJack: "I know.  And I'm sorry, okay? I was drunk, and there was all this pressure with the Oscar campaign. But now...now that it's over, I - "
Todd: "No! No, BoJack, just stop. You are all the things that are wrong with you. It's not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career, or when you were a kid. It's you. All right? It's you. Fuck, man. What else is there to say?"
The AV Club had an interesting observation that this was only the third F-bomb of the entire series and that the other two came in big fights other characters had with Bojack -- first Herb Kazzaz in Season One and then Charlotte in the arguably the best episode of the series, Season Two's "Escape from L.A.". Appropriately, Todd's speech hits pretty hard. BoJack's pushed away Princess Carolyn, Diane, and Todd over the course of two episodes. He also treated Mr. Peanutbutter like shit after the latter saved BoJack's life, but Mr. Peanutbutter just shrugged it off. BoJack and Mr. Peanutbutter haven't interacted much after their big on-stage fight in "Let's Find Out", and Mr. Peanutbutter was a pretty damn good friend to BoJack in this episode. Will BoJack finally appreciate what's in front of him with everyone else tossed out of his life? I have to imagine the final two episodes will feature a long look at that relationship.

Meanwhile, Princess Carolyn feels she's wasting her life running Vim. Judah convinces her that maybe it's time she gives up that life, and she seems to accept his advice. Feeling a burden lifted from her shoulders, she calls Ralph for another date. But what's on Judah's mind here? His secret meeting with Charley Witherspoon about a potential merger from a few episodes back hasn't re-surfaced, but you have to figure that's still in play, right?

Episode Grade: B+

Bullet Points
  • Princess Carolyn no longer appears in BoJack's kitchen in the opening credits, though she's still there on the red carpet.
  • That beret-wearing cotton candy doofus guy is in the background of a lot of scenes during the show's run. He was eating at Elefante in the previous episode, "Best Thing That Ever Happened". I wonder what his deal is.
  • "Someone sent a...nerd?" ~ A Whale World girl upon seeing Diane at the door to BoJack's party.
  • "Well, it started as a safe space for women. Then, it became a safe space for women and men. Now, it's more of a safe-ish space for women, and a really safe space for men to look at women."
  • "I'm promoting you to a position of finding a job somewhere else."
  • Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter made up all the nominees for all the categories in 36 minutes minus the time it took for them to chase Mr. Peanutbutter's phone and take the "everything's OK" call from Captain Peanutbutter.
  • Some jokes I liked from Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter's whiteboard: "Black People" being crossed out under the choices for Best Actor, the category for "Best Best Boy" (which surprisingly consists of actual best boys from famous 2015 films -- but how did Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter know their names?), "The Hateful BB-8", "A Rivers Runs Through It: The Weezer Story", "Connect Four - The Movie", and Jennifer Lawrence's name appearing as over half the nominees for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress -- and once for sound editing,
  • "I found it to be an above-average experience. Please forgive me for getting emotional."

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